Welcome to the website of the Alliance of French Academic learned societies (Collège des sociétés savantes académiques de France).

Representing research and higher education across disciplines, academic learned societies are not-for-profit associations whose voice is independent of state institutions. They are united by a common desire to support research in their disciplines and to act as an interface between academia and society. Some societies link the worlds of academia and industry. Others organise or initiate major public events such as the Brain Week or the Climate Train.

Unlike in many countries, where learned societies have a strong voice in public debate, the activities of French societies are not well known to the public. An initial general meeting of the heads of 49 learned societies was held on 6 September 2018 at Paris Descartes University to reflect on the missions of academic learned societies and the collective actions they could undertake to carry the word of the academic world into society and promote critical thinking and the scientific method there. The Collège des Sociétés Savantes académiques de France was created on 6 February 2021.

For more information, visit the « Who are we?» page (In French).


Communiqué relatif aux élections législatives anticipées

Le Conseil d’administration du Collège des Sociétés Savantes Académiques de France a publié aujourd’hui un communiqué relatif aux élections législatives anticipées des 30 juin et 7 juillet. Il y réaffirme[…]

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Publication du numéro 11 de Collège-info

11ème bulletin d’information trimestriel du Collège des sociétés savantes

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Les nouvelles Écoles Normales en 26 questions pratiques et encore sans réponse

Pour la quatrième fois depuis 2010, le recrutement et la formation des enseignants vont être réformés. En positionnant le concours de recrutement en fin de licence, le gouvernement espère créer[…]

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